SEO Optimisation

what is seo, search engine optimisation

What is SEO?

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the art of improving your position on the Google search results page (SERPS) or any other search engine results page.

When someone uses Google to locate a product, service or just educate themselves they ( we call them visitors ) then enter a search term ( we call these keywords ).
It is vital to include accurate information on your site that reflects your chosen service or product, includin keywords.

We can provide specially crafted text in order gain both Googles confidence and your potential customers trust.

Google has a special name for this E-A-T-T (Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness.

Thoughout your website you must demonstrate this.

Your path to successful search engine optimisation

 • For your business to succeed you need to consider what keywords (search terms) your intended visitors will use. There are various tools that can be used to assist with this.

 • You need to adapt your page(s) content to include these keywords in a meaningful way, keyword 'stuffing' is no longer allowed and can have the reverse affect (i.e. lower your search results page position)

 • Technical SEO, your web pages should also include meta data (this is not visible to your visitors), but is read by Google (and all search engines) and used to rank you higher in your organic search rankings. What are organic search rankings

Why do you always mention Google?

When we ask for the answer to this question...

What search engine do people use in Ireland?

The answer is 95% of visitors use Google!

Then we ask: What devices do our visitors use?
 • 69% are on mobile (98% use Google, 0.2% use Bing)
 • 28% are on desktop (84% use Google, 11% use Bing).

Therefore it surely pays to prioritise Google as a platform.

This is why we always concentrate on Google, but during our work we do not ignore other search options (Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo)

Search engine optimisation for your website

Remember Rome wasn't built in a day, sadly this is the same for your website position within search engine result pages (SERPs).

This process can take up to 6 months to work, no matter what people say.

But there are plenty of things for you to do whilst you are waiting.

• Google Adverts, Bing Adverts
• Listing pages for your particular service or product.
• Social channels, (Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok) with links back to your website.